La storia della mia bici con Justine Charroux
La storia della mia bici con Justine Charroux


La storia della mia bici con Justine Charroux

Ogni moto ha una storia e ogni pilota ha una storia da raccontare. Chiunque vada in fuoristrada ha un momento particolare che è impresso nella mente..

A moment about a specific bike they owned that only started at the fifth attempt, a specific group of riding mates and the moments they shared or just the moment they fell in love with Off-road

We want to hear those stories, and this time we look at Justine Charroux and what she has to share. 

Justine Charroux is a french motocross rider. She has been riding motorcycles since she was 7 years old after tried a lot of different sports. Like Justin told us, her parents couldn't believe that she will become a professional rider thought that this passion would only last a few months.

She participated for the first time in the competition at just 9 years old, and when she did 15 years old, she ran the women's world championships. What motivates her in motocross is the surpassing of self, the adrenaline before the departures. And We know the power of this feeling. She is riding one 250YZF with polisport plastics.

Every rider has a story to share, and Justin is no different. " I remember an afternoon with friends where it rained a lot fell into a puddle, I left soaked, I fell again in a puddle ... at the break, my mother told me: but Justine you are fed up you will stop right? I went for a ride, loved it. "

Our parents can't understand that these feelings make us feel alive, and we love that!

Justine Charroux will be rocking Polisport plastics during 2021.

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